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Monday, May 25, 2015

Arcade Archives Terra Cresta PS4 Review

Terra Cresta is the 5th game released under the Arcade Archives banner. Arcade Archives make arcade perfect ports. Terra Cresta is currently my new favorite out of the five. Originally released in 1985 by Nichibutsu, Terra Cresta is an arcade vertical shoot em up.

The Gameplay in Terra Cresta is superb, you start off the game with a very under powered air ship and have to take down other enemy ships and bases, along the way you'll find numbered power ups that if you shoot will open up a new attachment for your ship giving you stronger and more varied attacks. I love that once you have acquired at least one of these power ups you can press the X button to change up your formation allowing you to have access to different types of attacks. The game has a total of 5 ship attachments and once you claim all five your ship will transform into a Phoenix allowing for temporary invincibility. The game is challenging you will die many times, I can't even count how many times I have seen the game over screen. 

It is a good thing that the controls are super tight and responsive, One of the key points to any shoot'em up is having full control over movement and Terra Cresta excels in this category. It's also nice to play a retro shoot'em up that allows you to just hold down the fire button! 
Sound and music are good for this type of game but won't blow you away on either front. But The explosions sound loud and destructive, which is always a good thing. 

Terra Cresta on the PlayStation 4 is my favorite game released (for now) under the Arcade Archive name, with each release these Arcade ports have been getting better and better. Terra Cresta is the first Shoot'em up released under Arcade Archives name, and is one of the best shmups on the PS4, available on PSN for $7.99. 

If you are a fan of retro gaming, or a die hard Shmup fan, you owe it to yourself to check out Terra Cresta, I have been obsessing over this game and will keep coming back for more. PlayStation 4 owners should absolutly check out this game if you are up for the challenge. 

Get This!

-Retro Forward Dave on twitter @retro_forward

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