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Monday, January 12, 2015

Home Review

This Video contains a full play through of the game Home

Home review:

First of I will say Home is not so much a game, as it is an interactive adventure. Keep that in mind before proceeding. Now being a fan of choose your own adventure books, I was very pleased with the experience.
Calling the game a horror adventure is a bit of a stretch. I would put this one under the mystery category personally. The set up for the game is you are woken up in a strange, dark room, in an unfamiliar house. Something horrible has happened and you have no memory of the events before you awoke. As you progress in the game, you are given certain objects and goals. Everything you do has an impact on the story. 

Visually this game has an excellent pixel art style. I really enjoyed the animations when entering a new room, or climbing down a ladder, small touches like this go a along way in bringing you into the world. Sound is very minimal, but it helps to add tension when it's needed. Controls are very simple to pick up and play. 

My only major complaints for this game is that it can be completed in under an hour. Also the game really doesn't have much for game play, you pretty much just walk from one screen to the next looking for the next clue to move forward, or an item to help advance the story line. I decided to go and play the game a second time, to see how much of my choices really impacted the game. Sadly the game doesn't change much. The major differences will be based on what items you chose to take, and what options you selected. You could easily see all possible endings after only a few hours. 

In conclusion, I did enjoy my time playing Home, even with the faults it has. The story is worth going through at least once. I can't stress this enough it is not a video game! It is an interactive adventure. I played both the PS4 and the PS Vita versions for this review, both are identical in terms of performance. The game will only set you back $4.99 on PSN. If you enjoy a good mystery and are a fan of pixel art pick this up. With that said, I give Home my recommendation. Home is available on PS4, PS Vita (cross-buy), IOS, PC and Mac. If you do choose to indulge, play this at night with headphones for the best experience. 

Get It!*
If you are looking for more a full fledged game stay clear*

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