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Monday, January 19, 2015

Binding of Isaac :Rebirth Review

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Review

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is one one disturbing game with a lot of charm. Based on the biblical story of the same name. The premise is that Isaac's mom hears the voice of god telling her to sacrifice her only son, and that he is corrupted by sin. "By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be called," concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense. (Hebrews 11:17–19, NKJV)" Isaac escapes through a trap door in his room and flees to the basement. This is where the game starts us off. The game has one disturbing premise, so much so, that it was denied approval by Nintendo to be released on their platforms. 

The game play in the binding of Isaac is nothing short of perfection. Played as a top down shooter similar to games like Smash TV, or Robotron. Isaac attacks enemies using his tears, you can find Items that can either help to power up your attack, give you more health, In some cases the power ups will even kill you. Isaac has fast fluent movement. You control him and his projectiles using the two analogue sticks. The level design is all randomly generated, same with what boss you fight for each level, so every play through is different from the last. The levels in the game have a "Legend of Zelda" vibe to them. The developers were clearly inspired from the best of the NES, SNES, and arcade games of the 80's, and 90's. The game has 8 different stages with a 9th optional one where you fight against Satan, at the end of the 6th stage you will fight your mother, after that you proceed into her womb (yes this happens). 
Visually the game has a 16-bit aesthetic going for it. I personally love this, the game is already dark and disturbing, and I for one couldn't see myself really enjoying the game with a different look. The enemies range from flies, poop monsters, zombie babies, and other strange deformities. Bosses are also very disturbing, each one has it's own patterns of attack, once you have them memorized the game does get much easier to play, but no question about it, the game is very challenging and will require lots of time, and a little luck to master. 
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is one of the best indie games you could ever have the privilege to play. Everyone who has seen me play instantly asks me where they can get it. Currently the game is available for download on Playstation Network with cross-buy for the PS4, PS3, and PSVita, as well the game is also available off Steam. I highly recommend The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. This game has so much replay value, and with everything from the items, power-ups, and even the levels being procedurally generated, you will never play the same stages twice. This is my digital download game of 2014. 
Pick this up and play it now!

Get It NOW!

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