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Monday, April 27, 2015

Q-Bert Rebooted Review

Q-bert Rebooted tries to bring back life to this sadly forgotten character, unfortunately if fails poorly in this attempt. For anyone who grew up in the arcades you may have fond, or bitter memories of Q-bert. I loved playing this game as a kid. This game was challenging yet strangely addictive. I spent many quarters on the foul mouthed oddity that is Q-bert.

Remember that movie Wreck It Ralph? It feels like Gonzo Games the developer of Q-bert Rebooted decided to give this guy another shot at stardom. 

Fast Forward to 2014, Gonzo Games, released Q-bert Rebooted on PC, PlayStation 4, And PlayStation Vita. Let's focus on the positives. The game features, two different modes of play, Classic mode is the original arcade port, and I'll be honest if this mode wasn't a part of the game my review would be much worse for wear. The Classic mode looks just like how you would remember Q-bert when we first met him some 33 years ago in the arcades, controls feel tight and responsive and the enemy A.I. is just as challenging as you would expect it to be. The classic version also allows for you to post your high scores online. Had the game been only $5 and just featured this, we would have had an excellent arcade port. 

Now for the Negative... So basically Q-bert Rebooted the second game mode on offer feels very shallow. Also I don't know why they would change up the controls. Once you get the hang of the different control set up you will find a little fun to be had, but everything about Rebooted mode feels cheap and uninspired. The game looks like it was designed as a mobile title and would probably play much better with touch screen controls. The Rebooted mode also allows you to collect Diamonds that you can use to unlock different characters to play as. Visually I really didn't like the "updated" look and in some levels the backgrounds were a little distracting from the actual gameplay.

Q-bert Rebooted is a game I can only recommend to die hard fans, and is really only worth it if you are looking to play some classic Q-bert. If you don't own a retro console to play the original, this is a good alternative but be warned only half the game is worth playing, and if you jump from the two modes you will feel off since the controls feel completely different from Classic, to Rebooted modes. 

The game was reviewed on the PlayStation 4. You can pick up the game on PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. PlayStation versions are cross-buy. 

 5/10 Take Caution!!

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