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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

3 Games Konami needs right now!

This is actually a Piece I was working on a while ago I just figured I would post it since we now know that Silent Hills is officially Cancelled. 
-Retro Forward Dave

With recent news of Hideo Kojima leaving Konami once Metal Gear Solid 5 the Phantom Pain is released, I started thinking, would this be the end of Konami? I know I'm not the only one thinking this, and what will happen to Silent Hills? Will this spell the end of Konami?

Here are 3 games that I would love to see from Konami:

#1: Life Force. The reason I chose Life Force and not simply a new Gradius game is mostly do to the setting. I would love to see this game done on modern tech. Instead of your typical space shooter, you get to travel through some type of biological monster, just imagine how the stages would look in full HD! Also currently the "Shmup" genre is lacking on PS4, and  Xbox One. This would be an excellent digital title with a great concept.

2#: More Metroidvania style Castlevania games. Let's just go and say it, 3D Castlevania games have never been the strong point of the series. Even though the last two were well made and were nice to look at, they never felt like true Castlevania. For me the series hit it's stride with Symphony of the Night, and is a game I go back to and play from time to time. Castlevania is at its best when it's in 2D and home consoles have been without since 2011. I know I would jump at the chance to play a new game in the series. More Alucard would be great!

#3: Contra 5, anyone who grew up with the NES and SNES will have fond memories playing the Contra games. The last truly excellent game in the series was Contra 4 on the Nintendo DS. In between part 3 and 4 we saw the series struggle in horrible ways. Here's what I want from a new game. First leave it a side scrolling run and gun. If it's not broken don't fix that.
Now I would really like to see Konami take reference from the scenes in the first game where you are in a walking through the bases. How amazing would it be to see this in proper 3D. Also we could see the return of some top down stages to this will provide with enough diversity and still keep what we love about the series. Part of what I think made Contra 4 so successful is that it took the best elements of the Contra series and added that little touch of nostalgia. Konami you can do this again!

Well that's what I would love to see from Konami. At the moment their future doesn't look so bright but it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. Konami has some excellent IP that they can use. Sadly things looks bleak for the Silent Hills game, but I think things will work out just fine for both Konami, and Hideo Kojima. 
Let me know what Konami games you would like to see? That's all for now Happy gaming

-Retro Forward Dave
On twitter you can find me @retro_forward

Monday, April 27, 2015

Q-Bert Rebooted Review

Q-bert Rebooted tries to bring back life to this sadly forgotten character, unfortunately if fails poorly in this attempt. For anyone who grew up in the arcades you may have fond, or bitter memories of Q-bert. I loved playing this game as a kid. This game was challenging yet strangely addictive. I spent many quarters on the foul mouthed oddity that is Q-bert.

Remember that movie Wreck It Ralph? It feels like Gonzo Games the developer of Q-bert Rebooted decided to give this guy another shot at stardom. 

Fast Forward to 2014, Gonzo Games, released Q-bert Rebooted on PC, PlayStation 4, And PlayStation Vita. Let's focus on the positives. The game features, two different modes of play, Classic mode is the original arcade port, and I'll be honest if this mode wasn't a part of the game my review would be much worse for wear. The Classic mode looks just like how you would remember Q-bert when we first met him some 33 years ago in the arcades, controls feel tight and responsive and the enemy A.I. is just as challenging as you would expect it to be. The classic version also allows for you to post your high scores online. Had the game been only $5 and just featured this, we would have had an excellent arcade port. 

Now for the Negative... So basically Q-bert Rebooted the second game mode on offer feels very shallow. Also I don't know why they would change up the controls. Once you get the hang of the different control set up you will find a little fun to be had, but everything about Rebooted mode feels cheap and uninspired. The game looks like it was designed as a mobile title and would probably play much better with touch screen controls. The Rebooted mode also allows you to collect Diamonds that you can use to unlock different characters to play as. Visually I really didn't like the "updated" look and in some levels the backgrounds were a little distracting from the actual gameplay.

Q-bert Rebooted is a game I can only recommend to die hard fans, and is really only worth it if you are looking to play some classic Q-bert. If you don't own a retro console to play the original, this is a good alternative but be warned only half the game is worth playing, and if you jump from the two modes you will feel off since the controls feel completely different from Classic, to Rebooted modes. 

The game was reviewed on the PlayStation 4. You can pick up the game on PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. PlayStation versions are cross-buy. 

 5/10 Take Caution!!

Taichi Panda

What can I say about  Taichi Panda, this mini action packed, fun filled game? 
Taichi Panda is an action  mobile game with an MMORPG feel. Gameplay feels like a  HACK and SLASH adventure and  also has an excellent online component which allows you to fight your way to the top in the PvP arena system, you can also team up with other adventurers to take on dungeon  bosses.

Apart from the wonderful fighting features. The looting system is a very well rounded. There is some farming involved although, not as tough and frustrating to obtain as some other games. You can change your gear to increase stats as well as your look. Looting is not only obtained through questing or dungeons. It is also obtained through treasure chests as well as daily give aways. You can also purchase items threw diamonds they give daily as well.

My personal experience with this game is, I really enjoy the game play and the dungeons. It's a good time filler although, the only thing I dislike about the game is that it does take quite some time to lvl after 40. Sure you can auto loot previously completed levels, but this will take some time. Patience will be key, unless you are willing to pay to win. 
 In closing, if you're looking for a simple but fun HACK and SLASH game for your mobile device, look no further. Taichi Panda has it all.  Available for FREE on the APP store or Play store.  Available for all mobile devices. 
Gaming on the go!!!
Level up to become stronger then you're enemies!!
Team up with your friends, conquer world dungeons. 
Solo adventure, fight your way through the Taichi Panda world!
Awesome boss battles! Fun and tactical!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Retro Forward mission statement.

Hi fellow video game junkies.

I just wanted to let everyone know about some of the big changes to Retro Forward. 
Fist off thanks for coming to check us out. Our mission at Retro Forward is to cover some of the best video games available. We spend a lot of our time with Indie games, and retro style games. We also play some of the best AAA titles as well as beta's and demo's. 

In the coming months we will be focusing heavily on our Twitch channel. Recently we just added some new partners to help with streaming content on the channel. Feel free to give us a follow here: Retro_Forward 

In the coming months you will see new content becoming available. Currently we are broadcasting PlayStation 4, and PC games, in the future we will be expanding to mobile, as well as Retro Systems ( NES, Genesis, etc.). In the future we will have features on Trophy hunting, as well as tournament play for select games. 

We offer different types of content. and are always looking to expand. If you would like to be a part of the Retro Forward team send us an email to: be a part of the team . Make sure you detail what you would like to do what games and systems you have.

As we move forward adding more types of content on our channel, I will update this page with what times we will be streaming. 

When we Stream:
Mondays 7am-7:40am  Morning Retro Remix* & 10-11:50pm TwitchCast Live!
Tuesdays 7am-7:40am  Morning Retro Remix*  & 10-11:50pm Nightly Forward**
Wednesdays 7am-7:40am Morning Retro Remix* & 10-11:50pm Nightly Forward**
Thursday 10-11:50pm  PS4 Live and Loaded! 
Sundays 10-11:50pm Sunday Night Fights****

Follow us for our social media to be a part of our weekly stream of Retro Forward Twitchcast Live.

Morning Retro* : Is all about Retro gaming, and retro Style games. Wake up with a little retro love.
Nightly Forward**: features the best of modern games on the PlayStation 4, AAA, Indies, Beta's and demos. 
Retro Forward Twitch Cast Live: We chat about Music, Movies, Games, and whatever With guests and live chat. 
PS4 Live And Loaded***: This is our show focusing on FPS games.
Sunday Night Fights****: Fighting games only! 

We also have streams outside of these times make sure to follow on our social media to find out when and what we are playing. Followers are also entered into prize give away's when we hit milestones. 

Our Social media

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