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Friday, January 30, 2015

Retro City Rampage DX Review

Retro City Rampage gameplay

Retro City Rampage DX is amazing! Played as a top down action-adventure game similar to the original Grand Theft Auto. The game also pays homage to many 8-bit games as well, 80's and, 90's pop culture. You are "The Player" a thug for hire. The game is set in a city of Theftropolis, set in the year 1985. The game has lot's of charm and humor especially for any child of the 80's, and 90's.
Like I said before the game play is very similar to what you will find in Gran Theft Auto, the game features three different game modes, Story, Arcade Challenges, and Free Roaming. All modes are a great joy to play, and will put a smile on your face, and even make you laugh out loud. The Story is great as I mentioned before the game has lot's of references to retro games of old, within the first 20 minutes I found references to games such as Duck hunt, TMNT, Mega Man, and Super Mario Bros 2, as well references to movies such as the Dark Knight, Back to the Future, and RoboCop. Now doesn't that sound amazing to you? The story mode features 60 missions, and has side missions to eat up the bulk of your time. If you are simply in the mood to explore or just cause damage, head on over to free roaming mode. This is my favorite, I love just running around seeing how much damage I could do. Its even fun to just walk around trying to find all the pop culture references. Want to ride in the Turtle Van? How about the Delorean from Back to the Future? Like the A-Team, hell the game even has a bike that resembles Yoshi. 
Not only does the game give you an open world to discover but it also features a few mini-games to play as well. I have already covered The Epic Meal Time Might Test game in one of my earlier reviews, but just to recap it's a lot of fun. and will unlock Muscles Glasses, and Harley to play as in the game. The other mini-game I played over, and over, was the 8-bit version of Bit.Trip Runner, and it's just as much fun as the original. You can also play  "Rom Retro City Rampage" which is basically a buggy version of the game. 

Visually this game is what I'm looking for, from a game that is inspired by the 8-bit era. Everything looks excellent. everything is bright and colorful, The cars and characters are all varied enough so you don't feel like your doing the same thing over and over again. The sound is where this game shines the brightest. The game features a rocking chip-tune soundtrack. You will want to rock out while playing this one. If you were a fan of the soundtrack in the Mega Man games, or even Duck Tales you will find much to love here. 
The game gives you a decent sized open world to explore, you can drive any vehicle you see. The game also lets you attack enemies and steal their weapons very similar to Grand Theft Auto, from time to time the game will change it up, one stage has you taking down enemies similar to a top down shooter like Smash TV, the game even features an underwater level like the infamous stage in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, mind you it's not as frustrating. Just to name a few. But this game has so much love put into it, that it would be hard to list everything in the game. Just note that is is amazing start-to-finish.
Retro City Rampage DX is a game that can be played in short burst, or for hours on end depending on what you are looking to do. I have played both the original and the DX versions of the game. The DX version features more stages, bug fixes, as well as re-balancing of stages and items. If you are to play the game the DX version is the one to get. For this review I played both the PlayStation 4, and the Vita versions. This game is available on many different platforms. All current PlayStation systems, Nintendo 3DS, PC, Mac, and Nintendo Wii. The game is cross-buy on PlayStation Network. If you are in the mood for a little nostalgia I recommend downloading a copy. This is one of my all time favorite Indie games available today. 


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Citizens of Earth Demo Impressions

Citizens of Earth you must check this out!

Citizens of Earth is one lovable retro inspired RPG that I can not wait to play more of.
The premise is, you just got elected the vice-president of the world, you return home for a little rest and relaxation. Your first objective in the Demo/Game is to go get some coffee, once you leave your house you are greeted by protesters who are not happy about you being elected. This is where the game gives you a glimpse of the battle system in the game. 
The Battles in Citizens of Earth are turn-based, similar to games like Earthbound, and Pokemon. Each character in your party has it's own strengths. The two characters the game starts you off with is you Brother, and your Mom. The brother character is overall an attack focused character, he has strong attacks and will be your go to character in this demo, the mother character is more of a support class who can help restore health, as well offer advice, and the ability to view enemies stats. This is an excellent way to play. I have always been a big fan of turn-based roll-playing games. Now the reason why I choose to compare the game to Earthbound and Pokemon, The game feels like Earthbound in every way. The game puts you in a non-traditional setting for an RPG. I love this, you feel like you can relate to the characters and setting, and the game has tons of humorous moments. Now for the reason I chose to compare the game with Pokemon. You play as the Vice-President but you never actually battle with him instead you recruit every day people to fight your battles for you. This really brings the vibe of being like a Trainer in Pokemon, each character you pick up will have their own perks and weaknesses. 
The voice acting in the game is top of the line, it also helps that the writing in the game is brilliant, you will laugh over and over at the stuff people say or what you will discover by looking at book cases and painting through out the level. The controls are also very simple to pick up and just play the game. If  you played any old school RPG you pretty much know what to expect. The graphics are what first drew me to the game. I saw the trailer and something just clicked in my brain, saying "you must play me, do it right now!" I am so glad that I listened. The characters all look great and have a cartoon feel to them. Also lots of bright colors, I am so happy to see a game that isn't obsessed with the color brown. 
The demo will take you around 25 minutes to an hour to run through.It will all come down to how thorough you want to be in searching the environment. I posted my play through of the demo up top if you want to check the game out. I strongly encourage you to pick up the game. Citizens of Earth was released on Jan 20th and is available for the Nintendo 3DS, WiiU, PC (Steam), the PlayStation 4, and the PlayStation Vita. I picked up the PS4, and the Vita versions of the game. Sadly no cross-buy or cross-save options were available which is the only negative I can really say so far. 
In conclusion I loved this demo it gives you enough content to really get a feel of the game, and the type of humor developer Eden Industries were going for. I am currently about 4 hours into the full game, and I am still very much loving it. Citizens of Earth is a love letter to the game Earthbound but I am totally okay with that. Pick this one up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Futuridium EP Deluxe PS4 Review

Star Fox on an Acid Trip

Futuridium EP Deluxe is what happens when you mix Star Fox, with LSD... No joke!
Now I will say the game doesn't offer up the same amount of charm as Star Fox, but what we do have is one addictive, hard as nails, space shooter. Developer MixedBag was looking to captured that old school retro-vibe. This game is HARD! Yet also strangely addictive.
The Control set up is simple, you move your ship using the left stick, you shoot using the X button,  R2 is used to speed up, and the Square button is used to do a 180 turn. The game runs at a stunning 60 fps. Fast reflexes are a must if you plan on making it far. With time you will find the best way to attack each stage. Think of every Stage like a tripped out version of the Death Star trench run from Star Wars. The objective is to blast through all the blue colored bricks, Once that is completed you will have to track down the "Core" ( just another brick) and destroy that in order to beat the stage. As you progress through the stage you will have to keep an eye on your fuel which is ever depleting, destroying the core at the end of each stage will replenish your fuel. Did I mention this game is bloody hard? You will die, over, and over again. Like games of old it will take time and patience to find the best way to beat each stage. Time management, and chaining your combos together go towards your high score. I found this brought me back over and over again, regardless of me wanting to toss my controller at the screen.
Visually the game is very colorful, and reminds me so much of the 16-bit version of Stat Fox, or even 3D stages in Lawnmower man (props to you if you played this). The Music has an excellent electronic sound track that made me want to crank the speed up and blast through everything. More then few times I found I couldn't help getting my groove on while blazing through the stages. 

Now to talk a bit about some of the negatives. I found the lack of a cross-hair to be a minor annoyance, adding one to the game would make long distance shots more manageable to pull off. I also found that some of the camera angles actually didn't work out so well. I love a first-person view but for me, it just didn't work, I recommend playing this in the default view as it's the only one I managed to have any luck with. I would have also liked to have seen some more varied design choices. Some of the Stages just felt like remixed versions of others. Did I mention the game is Hard?
Futuridium EP Deluxe isn't a game for everyone but those who love old school space shooters, and looking for a challenge should take note. MixedBag did an excellent job on the PS4 version of the game. Futuridium EP is also available on PC, Mac, IOS, and, PlayStation Vita. The PlayStation versions of the game are cross-buy. Did I mention the game is hard?


Monday, January 26, 2015



#KILLALLZOMBIES is an excellent homage to games like Smash TV, and Robotron. While everyone is off playing the HD re-release of Resident Evil, I decided to check out a different type of zombie game. Developed by BeatShapers best known for the game Jetpack Joyride. #KILLALLZOMBIES is a fast, twitch based twin-stick shooter, exclusive to the PlayStation 4.
 #killallzombies is a survival sports game similar to the likes of Smash TV, or the movie the Running man. Contestants are placed in an interactive fighting arena where you fend of hordes of Zombies for cash prizes! Who would ever be crazy enough to ever want to partake in something like this is another question, but it's a video game so I'll let it slide. 

The controls are excellent you move your character using the left stick, shooting and aiming are on the right stick. X button allows you to use a melee attack, triangle is used for leveling up your character, and R1 is your reload button. I loved when you level up your character, you have the choice between four options, some will be for a super weapon, some will be to double your XP for a short time, some upgrades will even offer up instant death with the benefit of giving you a bunch of XP. I really liked the strategy involved in the game. 
One of the most innovative features of the game is, if you are live streaming, your audience can affect the gameplay while watching the broadcast. The viewers have three ways to affect the gameplay. Every 80 seconds, viewers have the choice between two encounter options available to vote on. The second way is with the perk select screen. It also has it's own voting mechanic, if the player decides to wait and select the spectator's most voted perk, the player is offered additional XP and health. The last way for viewers to interact is through chat commands (I never had a chance to try this feature out). I loved how the developers thought of doing this, and it makes your stream a much more interactive experience. 
Visually the game won't over work your PS4, but it works for this kind of game.Your character never feels lost with all the madness going on, even with a 1000 zombies on screen I could easily pick out where I am and what I should be doing. The game does introduce other obstacles, like falling vehicles, and landscape that is ever changing. The sound is very satisfying, especially while using the shot gun, you can feel the power of destruction when you are laying down 5 zombies at once. The music for me, fell to the back ground, but that's okay as I was more focused on staying alive.

#KILLALLZOMBIES is one excellent twin-stick shooter, one that will keep you coming back for more. If you are a live streamer this is a must play game as it lets your audience participate in the game. Excellent for short bursts, or trying to claim a high score. This is one of the most enjoyable  PS4 exclusives I have played. I strongly recommend picking this up.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Rollers of the Realm Review

Rollers of the Realm last stage (no spoilers)

Rollers of the Realm Review:

Rollers of the Realm isn't your typical pinball game, and I love it! Developer Phantom Compass took the best aspects of pinball, and combined them with mechanics of roll-playing games. I was actually pleasantly surprised by how well this works. The game features a total of ten characters all represented by pinball's. 
The gameplay in Rollers of the Realm is excellent each of the ten characters you get to play as has their own set of special abilities, and control different from one another. My go to characters in the game were the Hunter, who has the ability to shoot arrows, as well has the ability to summon a group of hawks that act like a multiball. The Knight who is slow, but attacks are the strongest, his special ability is to block the gutter preventing you from losing your ball. The Healer was my go to character, her attacks are week but she has the ability to heal, which will come in very handy, and her special ability is to revive any of your fallen characters. I loved the diversity of the characters, also liked the fact that you can find power ups in the game to enhance your  abilities. 
The game has over 30 levels and each one has different objectives some will be as simple as defeat all the enemies, collect treasure chests, even  boss fights. The game has a fair challenge, only the odd time I found myself stuck on a stage, with the exception of the burial ground level, It probably took me over 30 attempts to complete it. I'm not going to knock the game for it because it is one of the last few levels in the game. 
Visually Rollers of the Realm has excellent art work, and the stages are varied enough to not get bored. The voice acting is excellent. I didn't find myself caring about the story all that much,  but the gameplay was what really made me keep coming back. The Story starts you off as the Rogue, who ends up getting her dog taken away by some guards. Initially your goal is to get your dog back but this quickly escellates to much bigger quest to save the realm from evil dark forces. Rollers of the Realm also features a 5 level tournament mode where you can try your best to post a high score on the online leaderboards. 
Rollers of the Realm is one innovative twist, mixing the best of roll-playing games and pinball games. I reviewed the game on the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita, The game is also available on Steam. I preferred playing the game on the Vita. Rollers of the Realm is cross-buy, and cross-save. I am so happy I decided to check this game out. I was instantly hooked to the gameplay. Fan's of RPG's, and Pinball should take note of this game. I encourage everyone to at very least try the demo of the game out. I did and wanted more!I can see myself going back to this game time and again. Phantom Compass did excellent work here.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cel Damage HD Review

Gameplay for Cel Damage HD on PS4

Cel Damage HD Review:

Cel Damage HD is a re-release of the 2001 game. Played similar to games like twisted metal. The original game was released for the original Xbox, PlayStation 2, and the Nintendo GameCube. Cel Damage HD was released in April 2014, for the PS4, PS3, and the PS Vita, and is a cross-buy for $9.99.
First off I will say I wasn't a big fan of the original game when it came out. The HD re-release on the other has been enjoyable. That's about all the praise I can say. I wasn't blown away with the game. Cel Damage HD has virtually no major changes other than giving you the game in 16:9. The story (if you can even call it that) centers around cartoon characters on a show called "Cel Damage", where the characters battle it out to the amusement of the TV audience.
Visually I still enjoy the characters, the cell shaded look really gives you the feeling of playing a cartoon. Some of my favorite characters would be Sinder who resembles Satan, Fowl Mouth a mobster duck, and Flemming your stereotypical nerd. The game has six characters to pick at the start with an additional four to unlock. The controls for the game are excellent you. I love that the game lets you preform tricks using the left stick. The cars all respond well and have an excellent arcade feel to them. 
As I mentioned earlier the game is now in 16:9 and feels a lot more fluid. Cel Damage HD will not push the limits of the PlayStation 4 but since Cel Damage HD is the only "car combat" game available you may want to check it out. The car designs are nothing special, but the weapons are the highlight of the game. Weapons will rage from things like chainsaws, machine guns, axes, freeze rays, and even boxing gloves. 
The game features three different game modes, Smack attack which is just your standard death match, Gate relay, which is more of a traditional race, in which you have to go through check points. Flag Rally is a race to see who can collect the most amount of flags. The last two modes you can play with, or with out the use of weapons. All the game modes are fun to play, but I really wish the developers would have added a few more modes with this re-release. Cel Damage HD lets you play in both Single-player as well as multiplayer. I love seeing more games come with couch co-op but this is one time where the game would greatly benefit from online multiplayer, the replay value of this game is lacking and online would have added a lot more reasons to come back and play. 

Cel Damage HD is a game that is fun in short burst, or if you have a group of friends to play with. Currently it is the only car combat game available for the PlayStation 4. I would only recommend this game if you were either a fan of the original, or if you are looking for something to fill that Twisted Metal itch. I really wanted to like this Cel Damage HD, but I just feel that game missed too many opportunities with this re-release.

Proceed with caution!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Retro Forward Speakeasy Review

Speakeasy quick match

Speakeasy PS4 Review:

Speakeasy is a fighting game set in the 1920's during prohibition. The game is set up with a simplified fighting style consisting of a three-button control scheme. Played similar to rock-paper-scissors. The game is a multiplayer player only game. Developed by indie game studio Super Soul, Speakeasy is currently only available on the Playstation 4. This one is sure to be a party favorite.
I really had a lot of fun playing this game. Like I stated before the game features a simplified control, regulated to three-buttons, the square button is your fake out, the X button is your attack, and the O button is your block. In the quick match game mode it gives you the option to only use one of each move. This allows for matches to be fast paced, not only that in quick match you only have 5 seconds per round. One successful hit and you win the round. Like rock-paper-scissors you can play a best of 5,7, or 9 rounds until the victor is claimed. If the time runs out the game will prompt both players to a button press to see who wins. The first one to either fail or to beat the other player in the limited time will win the round. This will also happen if both players choose to attack at the same time. I really loved the strategy involved. I can also see why this is a game best played with a friend right beside you. This game wouldn't work with a single player mode. Some of the best moments are psyching out your friends. 
The game features different game modes that will either give you more attack options and time per round. My personal favorite would have to be the Tag-mode, and the Tournament mode. In tag mode each player gets to select three playable characters. The most notable changes come from the fact that you have infinite time in this mode, and you can swap out your characters at any time. This will also refresh their move set. But note that when a character comes in they will have a brief moment where they are in a haze, and can't perform any moves. Tournament mode is just what it sounds like basic quick match rules but played with up to 4 players, with the winner of the round moving on until only one is the victor. 
Visually the game has an excellent cartoon style. The cast of characters all look great and have a great amount of charm. My favorites to play as would have to be the jazz musician, a Charlie Chaplain looking character, and the fat nun. The game has a total of 6 characters. Many times I couldn't help but laugh watching a nun fight a wrestler. This game has loads of charm. The soundtrack has a good 20's jazz vibe, which goes hand in hand with the look and feel of the game. 

Speakeasy is probably one of the best party games available for the Playstation 4. Simple controls, and an excellent jazz soundtrack. I strongly recommend picking this up. The game is $9.99 for the Playstation 4, and is currently one of the most charming exclusives I have played on the system. So call up a few friends and let the trash talk begin. 

Get It!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Retro Forward Plays: EpicMealTime Epic Might Test Review

A game within a game!
Gameplay for Epic Meal Time Epic Might Test

Epic Meal Time Epic Might Test Review

What you have never heard of Epic Meal Time Epic Might Test? Well don't feel bad, this is actually a mini-game featured in Retro City Rampage. The Goal is to devour all the food by building up enough strength. The game features Harley, and Muscles Glasses from the Show Epic Meal Time.
The game is very much like arcade games of old, simple controls requiring the use of only two buttons. The "X" button builds up your strength, and the square button is used for consuming the food. The game gives you a strength bar with a specific point you have to hit in order to succeed to the next stage. If you fail you will loose a credit. Credits can be added by pressing the triangle button. Ideally you want to do this with as little credits as possible in order to get the highest score. The game features leader boards to keep you coming back to best the high score. The first time you complete the game you will unlock both Harley, and Muscles Glasses to play in Retro City Rampage DX.
Visually the game has the same 8-bit look and feel as Retro City Rampage. This is great! I loved seeing the epic meal time logo, and the characters from the show done in this style. The character models look just like the real people they are trying to emulate. This game takes inspiration from the bonus stage in the original Mortal Kombat Test your might mini-game. The sound also has that retro vibe, and goes really well with the fast pace action of each stage. When you beat a stage it gives you a huge sense of accomplishment. 

Epic Meal Time Epic Might Test is one fun little mini-game, If you have Retro City Rampage and have yet to take a stroll into the arcade, I strongly encourage you to go into free roam and track it down! If you don't already own Retro City Rampage you should really download a copy. The game has so much going for it. If you are a Fan of Epic Meal Time, or if you just enjoy simple arcade games you will find lot's of enjoyment. Once you have mastered the game you can keep coming back to master the leader boards. For this review I played on the Playstation 4. Retro City Rampage DX is available for PS4, PS3, PSVita (cross-buy), as well as PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo 3DS. Pick this up and play.

GET It!*
(featured in Retro City Rampage DX)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Binding of Isaac :Rebirth Review

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Review

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is one one disturbing game with a lot of charm. Based on the biblical story of the same name. The premise is that Isaac's mom hears the voice of god telling her to sacrifice her only son, and that he is corrupted by sin. "By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be called," concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense. (Hebrews 11:17–19, NKJV)" Isaac escapes through a trap door in his room and flees to the basement. This is where the game starts us off. The game has one disturbing premise, so much so, that it was denied approval by Nintendo to be released on their platforms. 

The game play in the binding of Isaac is nothing short of perfection. Played as a top down shooter similar to games like Smash TV, or Robotron. Isaac attacks enemies using his tears, you can find Items that can either help to power up your attack, give you more health, In some cases the power ups will even kill you. Isaac has fast fluent movement. You control him and his projectiles using the two analogue sticks. The level design is all randomly generated, same with what boss you fight for each level, so every play through is different from the last. The levels in the game have a "Legend of Zelda" vibe to them. The developers were clearly inspired from the best of the NES, SNES, and arcade games of the 80's, and 90's. The game has 8 different stages with a 9th optional one where you fight against Satan, at the end of the 6th stage you will fight your mother, after that you proceed into her womb (yes this happens). 
Visually the game has a 16-bit aesthetic going for it. I personally love this, the game is already dark and disturbing, and I for one couldn't see myself really enjoying the game with a different look. The enemies range from flies, poop monsters, zombie babies, and other strange deformities. Bosses are also very disturbing, each one has it's own patterns of attack, once you have them memorized the game does get much easier to play, but no question about it, the game is very challenging and will require lots of time, and a little luck to master. 
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is one of the best indie games you could ever have the privilege to play. Everyone who has seen me play instantly asks me where they can get it. Currently the game is available for download on Playstation Network with cross-buy for the PS4, PS3, and PSVita, as well the game is also available off Steam. I highly recommend The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. This game has so much replay value, and with everything from the items, power-ups, and even the levels being procedurally generated, you will never play the same stages twice. This is my digital download game of 2014. 
Pick this up and play it now!

Get It NOW!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Shadow Warrior PS4 Review

This freaked the hell out of me!

Shadow Warrior PS4:

Shadow Warrior is a reboot developed by Flying Wild Hog. The original Shadow Warrior came out in 1997 and was developed by 3D Realms. The game is a first-person shooter/slasher. You play as the character Lo Wang (Yes that is a dick joke), a hired assassin sent on what seems to be a simple mission, go purchase an ancient katana from a collector worth 2 million dollars. Things go wrong fast, and you start to find out things aren't as they should be. The game looks great, and is hilarious, you will find yourself laughing your way through most of the game.  Shadow Warrior was released on PC, September 2013, The Playstation 4, and Xbox One version were released in October of 2014.

Graphics are not mind blowing, but the visual style in some of the levels are well inspired and great to look at. The game is really smooth provided you play it on the hardest difficulty setting. Auto save is kind of annoying, so unless you wanna play the game on the hardest setting, you will find that the game will pause far to often to save. This can be annoying but don't be a baby, you want a challenge. The hardest difficulty turns off auto save and makes the game not only more challenging, but a lot smoother to play.  The game features many references to 80's, and 90's pop culture. As well pays homage to the original game. The sound and music are both excellent in the game, It has one of the best introductions ever in my opinion. 

The characters in the game all have an excellent look to them, you will fight everything from zombies, skeletons, ninjas, demons, and other strange monstrosities, The boss fights are another big highlight in the game, with many of them filling up an entire screen, and requiring you to use multiple of your weapons to take them down. 

The biggest reasons why I liked this game so much was the fact that it isn't your typical FPS, for one it really has that old school style and flair of the classic FPS of yore, the biggest thing for me was the katana sword. I found that I preferred the sword as my go to weapon of choice. It gives you the option of slashing in multiple directions, you can also power up your weapons and learns spells. The other big reason why I really liked the game was the sense of humor, like I said before this game is hilarious. The game has a dirty sense of humor, that you don't tend to find in to many games these days. It reminds me of one of 3D Realms other Iconic characters, Duke Nukem. Unlike the most recent Duke Nukem Forever, this game is infinitely more enjoyable. The last thing that had me coming back to the game was all the collectibles, mostly the fortune cookies, I couldn't help but search every part of the level to see what I would find inside them. 

Is Shadow Warrior a perfect game? Far from it, but the game has just so much charm. If you loved playing FPS games of the 90's, and early 2000's, you will find lots to love about Shadow Warrior. The game plays, and sounds like an old school FPS, with the look of a modern one. If you are sick of games like Call of Duty, or are just looking for something a little bit different, do yourself a huge favor and play this game! If you are a child of the 80's, or 90's, you will find so many references and Easter eggs throughout the game that will bring back lot's of nostalgia. Lastly if you were a fan of the original game you will find lot's of love went in to modernizing the game for current audiences. Shadow Warrior is my Hidden Gem for 2014. 

Get It!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rogue Legacy Review

Even at Level 70 the game is still challenging! 

Rogue Legacy Review:

Rogue Legacy is unforgiving! Developed by Cellar Door Games, Rogue Legacy is a rogue-like platformer, where you explore a randomly generated castle. As you progress through the castle you will find gold, which can be used to purchase upgrades for your character. Gold will come from attacking random objects like chairs, tables, as well as from enemies and treasure chests. Whenever your character dies, you will have the choice to select one of three randomly generated characters. Every character you play as is the heir to the previous one. The best thing with choosing your next character, is each one will have different traits, some will be to your benefit, others will make the game more difficult. Some traits will include being near sighted, bald, or color-blindness just to name a few. Many times you will laugh out loud reading the character select screen. All gold found will go towards leveling up your character and giving them special abilities, to help you progress through the game.  

Visually the game is inspired by the 16bit era of gaming. Character designs are excellent, and have solid animations. The level designs are all random, however the game has 5 different areas, all with a distinct look to them. The controls are very responsive. You can attack from 4 directions, as well  a secondary attack that you can use. The secondary attack can very from a number of different weapons, a flame shield, a throwing knife just to name two. The secondary weapon will depend on the character you choose, however you can come across them in the game, but this is rare. I can not stress enough how challenging this game is, however it is a fair challenge. Even at level 70 the game is still brutal. Despite the difficulty, it is still a blast to play, and offers tons of replay value.  

Rogue Legacy is one addicting game. I have been playing it now for months on both the Vita, and the Playstation 4, The PS4 version does benefit from shorter load times. Both versions are great. Rogue Legacy is also available on PC, OSX,  Linux, as well as the PS3. Playstation versions are cross-buy so all three versions for $14.99. If you are looking for an excellent platformer with a solid challenge, look no further. 

Get It!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Titan Attacks! Review

Titan Attacks! is very addictive. 

Titan Attacks! Review:

Titan Attacks is one amazing retro inspired shooter! As the last surviving tank commander on Earth, it is your job to fight off the evil invading alien army. If you remember the game Space Invaders you will feel right at home playing Titan Attacks. Game play is virtually the same between the two games. Titan Attacks does a number of things to change it up the formula. As you play the game you will earn money, that can be used for upgrading your ship with more powerful shields, extra cannons, rockets and even lasers. A few other changes to the Space Invaders formula include, dodging asteroids, and capture escaping aliens. 

Puppy Games put a lot of love into making this game, and it shows. The game has an excellent modern retro look to it. Controls are very smooth, and are very simple to just pick up and play. The game starts you off feeling a little under powered however that will quickly change provided you choose the proper power ups. The game has 100 levels, and at the end of each world you will have a boss fight. The bosses aren't overly challenging, each has it's own patterns of attack. 

If you are a fan of retro arcade titles, and are looking for something new Titan Attacks! is definitely a great game to play. I found myself very addicted to besting my high score. Titan Attacks! is available on Steam, and PSN. The game is cross-buy on PSN for $11.99, this gets you the PS4, PS3, and Vita versions for one price. For this Review I played both the PS4, and the PS Vita versions of the game. Do yourself a favor and play this one.

Get It!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Retro Forward South Park Pinball Review

Come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine. 

Zen Pinball 2 South Park table

South Park Pinball Review:

Never thought I would post a review for add-on content for a pinball game... Well here we are and this is happening. Zen Pinball released two tables based off South Park, the first one I am simply calling it "South Park pinball", the second table I am calling it the "Butters table". Zen Pinball is a free to download game that comes with one single table to play on but the nice thing is it does let you try out a table before popping out cash for the never ending amount of DLC.  

For this Review I am only gonna focus on the South Park DLC. Let me get this out of the way,  I am not an expert when it comes to pinball in any way, shape, or form. For the price of $4.99  you get two tables the first one is the South Park table. This has to be one of the most enjoyable pinball tables I have played. Everything has a purpose. It doesn't feel overly cluttered. If you love South Park you will enjoy all the references. Cheesy Poofs, Man Bear Pig, Terrance & Phillip, all are referenced. The voice acting and sound is top notch. The visuals are top notch and everything is colorful and does a great job of looking like the show. This is clearly the table that got the most love out of the two. I could easily play this for hours on end, trying to best my high score, or the leader boards. 

Zen Pinball 2 Butters Table

The second table in the DLC is the Butters table. This one could be considered the "B" side to this DLC. I found this table to lack the excitement of the first. If you are a fan of Butters you may find more enjoyment but over all I found it to be more of an empty table. I did like the under ground hidden Professor Chaos bonus round. The visuals on this table are less impressive everything feels darker, but still does a good job with all the characters and like the first table does a good job of resembling the show. Sadly that's all I can really say for this one. It's average at best. 

Over all the controls are spot on. The best way to play is on the Duel Shock 4, those triggers give the best grip, and a buttery smooth performance. What else can I really say this is pinball with a South Park skin, I love it. I love South Park. I never thought I would be so addicted to playing pinball again. South Park Pinball is available on every possible gaming platform. For this review I played the PS4 version of the game. With one amazing table and one that I found just average. For only $4.99 you get both and I can honestly say for me that was money well spent. 

Do you like pinball? Do you like South Park? if you answered yes to both questions then you need to pick this up now. 

Get It!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Home Review

This Video contains a full play through of the game Home

Home review:

First of I will say Home is not so much a game, as it is an interactive adventure. Keep that in mind before proceeding. Now being a fan of choose your own adventure books, I was very pleased with the experience.
Calling the game a horror adventure is a bit of a stretch. I would put this one under the mystery category personally. The set up for the game is you are woken up in a strange, dark room, in an unfamiliar house. Something horrible has happened and you have no memory of the events before you awoke. As you progress in the game, you are given certain objects and goals. Everything you do has an impact on the story. 

Visually this game has an excellent pixel art style. I really enjoyed the animations when entering a new room, or climbing down a ladder, small touches like this go a along way in bringing you into the world. Sound is very minimal, but it helps to add tension when it's needed. Controls are very simple to pick up and play. 

My only major complaints for this game is that it can be completed in under an hour. Also the game really doesn't have much for game play, you pretty much just walk from one screen to the next looking for the next clue to move forward, or an item to help advance the story line. I decided to go and play the game a second time, to see how much of my choices really impacted the game. Sadly the game doesn't change much. The major differences will be based on what items you chose to take, and what options you selected. You could easily see all possible endings after only a few hours. 

In conclusion, I did enjoy my time playing Home, even with the faults it has. The story is worth going through at least once. I can't stress this enough it is not a video game! It is an interactive adventure. I played both the PS4 and the PS Vita versions for this review, both are identical in terms of performance. The game will only set you back $4.99 on PSN. If you enjoy a good mystery and are a fan of pixel art pick this up. With that said, I give Home my recommendation. Home is available on PS4, PS Vita (cross-buy), IOS, PC and Mac. If you do choose to indulge, play this at night with headphones for the best experience. 

Get It!*
If you are looking for more a full fledged game stay clear*

Friday, January 9, 2015

Octodad: Deadliest Catch Review

Octodad : Deadliest Catch is one of the funniest games I have played in a long time! You play as an octopus who is trying to convince everyone that he is a human. This is the second game, in the series. The game play consists of completing different chores and objectives without letting people know you are really an octopus in disguise. The controls are set up so that the two trigger buttons control Octodads "legs" and the R1, L1, buttons (on PS4) are used for controlling his "arms" If you have played Surgeon Simulator you get the concept of the controls, for those who have not, let me say the game is designed to make every day activities a challenge to accomplish, this is also where most of the humor comes from. Many times I was laughing out loud to Octodad fumbling around. Some of the more memorable moments for me were the scenes at the grocery store, and the World of Kelp.

The game isn't very long and if you know what you are doing you could easily beat it in a few hours. However the game does offer some reasons to go back and play again. Free Roam mode allows you to explore all the different levels in the Story mode and just cause mayhem, the game also supports a co-op mode where up to four players can control individual limbs of Octodad. If you thought the game was challenging to control in single player think again.

In conclusion Octodad is a game with a big sense of humor, and a heavy heart. Octodad has one of the catchiest theme songs and I really hope to see more in the future. Octodad : Deadliest Catch is available on both PC, Mac, Linux as well as PS4. For this review I played the PS4 version of the game.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Retro Forward plays OlliOlli

OlliOlli game play: High score on the daily grind challenge

OlliOlli review

OlliOlli is a 2D skateboarding game developed by Roll7. Think of OlliOlli like a retro influenced Tony Hawk game. Each level has specific objectives to accomplish in order to move on, these include beating a high score, landing certain tricks, collecting items, etc. I played the PS4 & Vita versions for this review. 

The game was originally released in January 2014, and is available on PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U,  as well as PC. The game has an excellent retro inspired look, combine that with solid level design, a bit of humor, and you get one of the best skateboarding games available today. Controls can be a bit challenging at first but once you have played a few levels you will quickly get the hang of things, and will be skating like a pro. I will say that you should play a console version as the handhelds are not as accurate for preforming some of the more challenging combos. The music however didn't do anything for me, but I can respect that it does match the game play, and didn't feel out of place. 

OlliOlli is a fantastic game and the good news is we will have a sequel sometime this year. If you are a fan of skateboarding games, and want a game that will challenge you as well as keep you coming back for more look no further. OlliOlli is the game you are looking for. The game also features a daily challenge where everyone gets one chance a day to post a high score for a randomly selected level. In the video above I show off the daily challenge and get a #1 spot.  
If you buy this game for Playstation it is also cross-buy so three versions for the price of one.  If you love skateboarding and pixel art pick this up today. 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

AQUA KITTY - Milk Mine Defender DX Retro Forward Review

Game Play footage for Aqua Kitty Milk Mine Defender DX 

AQUA KITTY - Milk Mine Defender DX Retro Forward Review

I'm in a WONDERFUL mood, because I got to play Aqua Kitty. Simply put the game plays as a "Shmup" very similar to the arcade game Defender. The game was made by Tikipod, a developer that I will personally keep my eye on.  The game is available on PC, PSN, and Xbox Live. I played on both PS4 and Vita for this review. 

The Image above pretty much sums up what you will need to know about the story of the game. Visually this game is stunning, it has an excellent retro charm to it. Controls are very fast and responsive, which is key for the style of game play. I never felt cheated by any of my mistakes. This game starts off pretty easy but quickly gets challenging fast, never once did this make me want to give up. Game modes consist of an Easy, Normal, & arcade mode. I played the majority of the time on Normal mode, however switching to the Arcade mode proved to be the most fun & the most challenging. Once your life bar runs out it is game over and you have to start from the very beginning. This is a great throw back to the classic games of old. no hands being held here. 

In conclusion, if you are a fan of Shmups you owe yourself the pleasure of trying out this game.

I really wanna see more from Tikipod, I was unsure of this game at first but my mind was instantly changed after the first few minutes of play time. This game goes for $8.99 off Playstation Network and is cross-buy for PS4 & Vita, this is an amazing deal. I encourage everyone to help support this game on any available platform.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pix the Cat Retro Forward Review

Game play footage for Pix the Cat

Pix The Cat Review:

Are you a fan of Pac-Man? Ever play the game snake on a old school Nokia phone?
Pix the cat developers Pastagames must have. You play as PIX the Cat your mission is to rescue ducklings with the hope of escaping a never ending loop all just to put your name up on the leader boards. The game uses two very addictive concepts and melds them together to create pure arcade gold.

Like Pac-man you are placed on a maze like gride, with the goal of collecting all the eggs, hatching the ducklings, they will follow behind you until you free them by walking over orbs. If you manage to get stuck it's not game over but you will lose all bonus points you accumulated up to the point of failure. Controls are simple as you only need to use the left stick to move your character. Visually the game could be described as Pac-Man on a serious trip. 

The game was reviewed for the Playstation 4 & the Playstation Vita, Both versions of the game are very much the same however the Vita version does suffer from some lengthy load times. Pix the Cat is a great game to play in short bursts. With simple pick up and play controls and an excellent sound track, it is very easy to recommend this game to all arcade fans. Bonus the game is also Cross-Buy on PSN. 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Retro Forward plays A Game of Thrones:Iron from Ice Episode 1

Video contains a full play of  Iron from Ice (spoilers)

Game of Thrones Episode 1 Iron from Ice review:

First off I have to say I have seen a total of 4 Episodes of Game of Thrones. Going into this game I was expecting to be lost from a continuity perspective. I can say that Telltale has done an excellent job if you are not up to date on the show, I never felt completely lost or overwhelmed while playing. 

Game of Thrones: Iron from Ice is a point-and-click adventure game made by Telltale Games. Iron from Ice is the first of a six episode story arc, where every choice you make in the game influences  how the other episodes play out. This is great and something I love about the Telltale games. After completing my first run of the game I was tempted to go back and try out the different possibilities to see what changes with the story. 

If you have played any of the previous Telltale games you pretty much know what to expect from the look. I will say that the cell shaded graphics look amazing and character models are spot on. Voice acting is top notch, with an amazing sound track by composer Jared Emerson-Johnson. You feel apart of this world. You care about the choices your characters make. 

I won't spoil any of the story in this write up but if you want to know more just watch my video up top for my full play through. I will say that I was really shocked by how this ended, I never would have guess the ending of the first episode. I will say as someone who isn't big on the show, I am very much looking forward to Episode 2. 

Get It! 

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