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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Years! Retro Forward Plays : Rygar PS4

Happy New Years from Retro Forward!!
I decided to get up early and give a little preview of the PS4 version of Rygar on PS4. 
Rygar is a side scrolling action platfomer created by Tecmo in 1986, originally released for arcades in Japan as Warrior of Argus.
I will say Rygar runs really well on the PS4. I'm sure this would come as no surprise for a game that came out in 1986 to the arcades. My only major complaints with the game is since this is an arcade port you need to make sure you have enough Credits in order to continue but instead of just pressing "options" you need to press triangle to add credits. (something I didn't realize my first couple plays) 

In terms of graphics the game is exactly what you would want from an arcade port, everything looks amazing in all it's retro glory, The music is just as rocking as ever. If you own a PS4  and you consider yourself a "Retro Gamer" do your self a favor and pick this up for only $7.99 on PSN. 

Get It!

Cheers! R.F. Dave

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nidhogg the Drinking game

Hi everyone my brother/band mate Sean decided to come over and play some games. we decided to turn Nidhogg in to a drinking game. Enjoy!! 

Nidhogg is a two-player side-scrolling fighter, originally released on pc in January of 2014. The version of the game I am playing is the PS4 release which came out in October. Both versions of the game were made by Messhof AKA Mark Essen. The game supports Online as well as couch Co-Op. It also has a single player mode. The game is basically two fighters fencing their way to the end of the stage to be eaten by a creature called the Nidhogg (a giant monster worm thing). Played like a tug of war.

I have to say I am glad to be playing this on the PS4, the controls feel super tight, combine that with the excellent Duel Shock 4 controller you have a winning combo. The graphics remind me of the CollecoVision, the character animations are much more advanced from what you would see on retro console. The music in this game is very dynamic created by Deadelus, music responds to the action on the screen, making every battle feel exciting and also you'll wanna rock out while playing. 

I definitely RECOMMEND this game to everyone with a system to play it on. Best part if you have a PS4 or Vita it is cross buy. The Vita version even let's you share the same vita to play two player! Nidhogg goes for $14.99 on PSN, and is probably one of the best times I have had playing couch co-op all year. 

check out the video above to see my gameplay.

Get It!

Monday, November 24, 2014

5 underrated PS3 games you should play

3D Dot Game Heroes is like if you mixed lego and Zelda. Customize your character and weapons. Gameplay is reminiscent of the first Legend of Zelda.  If you are a retro gaming fan do yourself a favor and track a copy down. 
Resistance 3 is one of the best FPS games on the PS3.  Great weapons and missions are what make this the best Resistance games and one of the best shooters on the PS3 sadly an over saturated holiday season and lack of marketing for the game caused many to overlook one of Insomniac's best games.
Tired of the same "Bro" shooter? Well Spec Ops the Line is the game to check out. It is a game that treats the player seriously and at the same time deals with issues like PTSD and the casualties of war. The game plays very similar to the Mass Effect games. This comes so highly regarded by me, it's actually one of the best games of the past Gen consoles.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 is one of those games that desperately need a follow up. This is a top down hack n slash style game. If you are a Marvel fan this is by far one of the better uses of the Marvel characters. This is also great if you are looking for some couch co-op. 

Let's just say it. Transformers games are pretty awful.  But when War for Cybertron came out that completely changed my view .Here is a game that was made with passion. Two different campaigns to play ,and excellent 3rd person gameplay.  The ability to transform at will and some excellent mission and boss battles. It becomes the best Transformers game to play. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My top 10, when I was 10, Sega Genesis games

The Sega Genesis.. What can I say that hasn't already been stated over and over. For me the Genesis has many fond memories as this was the first video game system I remember helping to pay for out of my own savings. I got a pack in copy with Sonic. Popping in the cartridge and being just blown away with what I saw. This was so different then what I thought a video game could be. Blast processing in all it's glory.

Needless to say I have lot's of fond memories of the Sega Genesis. So I give to you my top ten list of my own PERSONAL Top Ten Genesis games from the 10 year old me:

10) BoogerMan : A pick and flick adventure 

This is one game that I rented way back in 1994 at the local video store. It was gross immature and I loved it. I mean what 12 year old wouldn't like a game about Throwing boogers and farting on people??? Sadly the game never got a proper follow up. Boogerman did make a guest appearance in Clayfighter 63 1/3. 

9) Road Rash

This cover does so much justice to how great Road Rash II plays.  Also one word the "chain" this made the game so much more enjoyable and I was hooked for hours on end. If I could ask for one thing it would be an updated version of this game.  Also the inclusion of two player modes made sure that me and my buddies would be playing this for hours on end. 

8) Rocket Knight Adventures

I'm not gonna lie I was sold on this game by the cover alone. When I finally did pick up my copy I was very pleased to know that the game is just as solid as the art style. Still to this day, I will say that Rocket Knight Adventures is one of my all time top favorite platform games. I knew the 10 year old me had good tastes. 

7) NBA Jam 

Yes NBA Jam if you were to tell me that I would ever like a video game about basketball I would have laughed in your face, as I am not a big sports fan, and my knowledge of Basketball is minimal at best. That being said Midway managed to make a great arcade game with lots of charm and over the top greatness. And I kept on playing to find all the secret characters. I still play this game today. and that's why it is in my top ten. 

6)Toe Jam and Earl : Panic on FunkOtron

Before you call me out for not having the original game in the top 10...RELAX take a deep breath...Feel better??? Okay so now the reason is as a kid I never played the original ToeJam & Earl. Now why is this game so high on my list??? Because I said so..This game has great art style Solid controls and just out right crazy in every way oh yeah co-op! 

5) Comix Zone

I'm sure this doesn't come as a surprise for any Genesis fan. This game is a good enough reason on it's own to have bought the Sega Genesis, and holds up really well today, the graphics are just incredible and pulls off the look of being in a comic book perfectly, The fighting is solid and offers a decent challenge. Comix Zone rocks.

4) Micro Machines 

Now this game has so many memories for me. Playing some Micro Machines and listening to some Skatman John... Yes don't judge.. I had this game mastered if playing alone or playing with friends I dominated this game. As a kid I used to have a massive collection of these tiny little cars and used to make my own tracks to race on. my favorite levels would have to be any of the levels in the bath tub and the pool table. This game was fast and it was Awesome. 

3) Earthworm Jim

The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-Filled, Malformed Slug-for-a-Butt... Is the name of the antagonist of the game. If you think that's a mouth full you wouldn't be wrong, but it's things like that which makes the game shine brighter. It's over the top, it's weird, and it's all great! Earthworm Jim will always be one of my favorite games. It is well deserving of my top 3 spot. 

2) Streets of Rage 2

For the record I always have to play as Axel, I love Beat 'Em ups for me that's what I spent a lot of my time playing as a kid. Streets of Rage 2 for the Genesis is so well made, plays well and is one of the most fun times I ever had playing with my buddies. Visuals still look great, and the controls are solid what more can you ask for?

1) Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Really are you that shocked that this is #1? This was Sonic perfected in every way. It was fast, had great music, and has super tight control. All the bonus stages as well as the ability to have co-op play made it so much more fun. This game was also huge! I give it to the level designers because for me Sonic has never been as good as this. Long live Sonic 3 and all it's glory. 

So this has been My Top 10 Sega Genesis games from the view of the 10 year old me. I'm sure you all won't agree with my list and I know looking back now I had missed out on so many great games. But this is my list not yours.  Let me know in the comments section what your favorite Genesis games. 

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